Helen Ansell - The Colours of Coalseam – Tea Towel (han097)
“The Coalseam National Park is located halfway between Mingenew and my hometown of Mullewa and is one of the biggest Tourist Attractions in this area. The place of the first mined coal deposit in Western Australia, the Park gets it’s name from the exposed bands of coal seams that still stripe the cliff faces. 2021 was one of the most spectacular displays of wildflowers I had ever seen in this area – inspiring me to paint this painting of fields of pink and yellow flowers. I took a friend there with me who at the time said she was enjoying watching my over the top excited reactions to the wildflowers more than the wildflowers themselves!” Helen Ansell
Coalseam Conservation Park, along the banks of the Irwin River, shows some of the best wildflowers in the Northern Wheatbelt of Western Australia. The display includes yellow, white, and pink everlastings, spider, and donkey orchids, billy buttons, white, and purple daisies.
Meanwhile the river has exposed a bank containing bands of coal, siltstones, claystones, and sandstones, which display 250 million years of ecological history.
Designer tea towel showcasing artwork by Helen Ansell.
Featuring native Australian flora and fauna designs, the perfect Australian gift or souvenir.
100% Cotton, 66 x 46 cm.